  1. Domestic Life

From the recording Cradle of Light

I was thinking about trouble in families and wondered how long it had been going on. A while, I reckon.


“Madam,” muttered Adam, “you got something up your sleeve?”
“I’m famishing for knowledge,” answered innocently Eve
“I’m starting to despair of finding spouses for our sons
And if ever we have daughters, they’ll grow up to be nuns”
Domestic life’s been contentious since the garden
Your best hope lies in petition for a pardon
Leaving a long legacy of kindred and affines
God draws straight with crooked lines
Two parents sitting nervous with the teacher at the table
“Academically he’s strong,” she said; “it’s not that he’s not able
I’m just concerned that he won’t learn to be a keeper of his brothers
Sacrifice is nice, but Cain don’t play well with the others”
Abraham the businessman didn’t let no pharaoh scare him
He called his wife his sister and had her join in the king’s harem
But cautioned in a dream that Abram’s scheme was just baloney
King gave her back with grace and tact—restored their matrimony
Joseph dreamed a bit too much of leadership and bravery
His brothers threw him in a ditch and sold him into slavery
But later he forwent revenge because he understood
What kin intend for evil ends, God can turn to good
© 2015 Dave Nealon